

2024 English Language Arts Instructional Materials Adoption

Grades 6-8 ELA Digital Instructional Materials Adoption

The English language arts content area of Curriculum, 评估, Instruction is launching an English Language Arts 6, 7, 8 Digital Instructional Materials Adoption in the 2023-24 school year. The digital instructional materials adoption process will follow the 十大正规网赌软件 Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials, 政策没有. 2015.  If approved by the Seattle School Board, the new digital instructional materials will be ready for implementation by the 2024-25 school year.

May 9, 2024 Update: Seattle School Board Approves 6-8 ELA Adoption of 设计询价

所有6th 通过8th grade ELA general education teachers will be provided professional learning opportunities to understand and begin planning with the new materials to get ready for a fall 2024 implementation. 了解更多关于询价设计.

April 2024 Update: 6-8 ELA Adoption Committee selected a finalist

The English Language Arts (ELA) Department has been facilitating the adoption process with a committee of SPS staff and 家庭 since 9月ember 2023 and has received approval for their adoption process by the Instructional Materials Committee. ELA部门将会进步 设计询价 as the finalist for the 6-8 ELA instructional materials adoption. We anticipate this recommendation will be introduced to the SPS School Board at their April 25th meeting and voted on in May.

6-8 ELA Instructional Materials Update

经过广泛的审查, the 6-8 ELA adoption committee has named three finalists in the instructional materials adoption process. 进入决赛的是:

  • Into Literature, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • 设计探究,中学ELA
  • 学习同步,麦格劳希尔

在二月期间, 2024, these resources will be field tested in middle school classrooms across our district. The selected field test teachers will represent all five regions of the city.


十大正规网赌软件 is choosing new instructional materials for grades 6-8 in English Language Arts (ELA). We are accepting feedback from parents and community members from 2月ruary 1 – March 6, 2024.

You are invited to provide feedback on one or several choices the committee is considering. Please complete one form per instructional material choice. Your feedback will be shared with the adoption committee. We appreciate your time in completing the survey because your voice is very important to us.















For State:类型EVALUATOR 

For District: Type REVIEW Into Literature v2-91008320 


用户视图  用户名  密码 
老师的观点  Teacher76_91008330  E!8杜鹃花 
学生的观点  Student76_91008330  E!8杜鹃花 


The English language arts content area of Curriculum, 评估, Instruction is launching an English Language Arts 6, 7, 8 Digital Instructional Materials Adoption in the 2023-24 school year. The digital instructional materials adoption process will follow the 十大正规网赌软件 Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials, 政策没有. 2015.  If approved by the Seattle School Board, the new digital instructional materials will be ready for implementation by the 2024-25 school year.

English Language Arts 6, 7, 8 Digital Instructional Materials Adoption

This adoption is for digital resources only. SPS is a 1 to 1 district with laptops available for at-school and at-home use. This digital adoption is funded through the 2022 Buildings, 技术, 学者/Athletics Capital Levy V (BTA V). The adoption will include all student materials and teacher resources that will be accessed through an online platform or learning management system. The adoption will not include the purchase of hard copies of textbooks or workbooks.

6-8 ELA采用时间表

  • 2023年5月: 要求公开资料 
  • 2023年5月23日: RFI关闭 
  • 2023年5月23日: Committee applications close (opened June 5)​ 
  • 2023年6月5日至30日: Needs assessment for teachers, family, community​ 
  • 2023年6月26日: 当选委员 
  • 2023年6月29日: IMC meets to review/approve timeline, committee members, communication plan​ 
  • 2023年6月30日: Adoption Committee members notified of acceptance to the committee 
  • 9月. 16, 20, 23 2023: Committee meets and develops selection criteria categories and develops rubrics​ 
  • 9月. 25-29, 2023: IMC认可的选择标准 
  • 2023年10月23日: 发布征求建议书(RFP) 
  • 2023年11月21日: RFP截止 
  • 11月. 12月30日. 2, 9, 2023: Committee reviews materials and selects finalists for field test 
  • 2023年12月: Materials displayed online for community review 
  • 2023年12月4日: Field Test Teacher application released (closes Dec. 15)  
  • 2023年12月12日: 发布第二份征求建议书 
  • 2024年1月5日: Field Test Teachers notified of acceptance 
  • 2024年1月23日: 第二份RFP截止 
  • 2024年1月: 教师培训 
  • 2月. 2024年3月1日: Materials displayed online for community review for finalists
  • 2月. 2024年3月1日至8日: 进行现场测试 
  • 2024年3月6日: Panel Discussion with field test teachers and committee 
  • 2024年3月14日: 委员会作出最后建议 

Adoption Committee Schedule and Timeline

The committee will meet several times between 9月ember 2023 and 2月ruary 2024. Saturday meetings will be help in-person at the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence. The Wednesday meeting will be held virtually through Teams.

Initial review and selection for field test:

Stage 1: Initial review and selection for field test:

Final review and selection for recommendation to Superintendent and School Board: May 2024

Committee members will prepare for meetings by reviewing provided materials in advance of scheduled meetings, attend and participate in schedule meetings. Missing two consecutive meetings will result in an automatic opt-out of committee participation.

Adoption Committee 愿景, 目的, 目标

2023- 2024年英语语言艺术, 7, 8 Digital Instructional Materials Adoption Committee will represent the diverse voices of the 十大正规网赌软件 (SPS) community. The committee will review and make a recommendation for a high-quality, standards-aligned, 文化相关, rigorous digital instructional materials for English Language Arts 6, 7, 8 courses that embodies the SPS 2019-24 Strategic Plan, 西雅图卓越. 特别是, 教育工作者, 家庭, communities who represent Students of Color further from educational justice will have meaningful voice on the English Language Arts 6, 7, 8 Digital Instructional Materials Adoption Committee.

英语语言艺术, 7, 8 Digital Instructional Materials Adoption Committee will study all instructional materials presented to them as options through the processes outlined in 主管程序2015SP.B and determine a final selection which should be, in the opinion of the adoption committee, the instructional materials best aligned to the focus and goals of 西雅图卓越; i.e. providing high-quality instruction and learning experiences that accelerate growth for Students of Color furthest from educational justice.

  • Develop the selection criteria to be approved by the Instructional Materials Committee which are anchored in 西雅图卓越 and Policy 0030
  • Review submitted materials for potential bias
  • Evaluate submitted materials using the approved selection criteria
  • Review staff and community feedback with a particular focus on feedback from staff, 家庭, communities who represent Students of Color furthest from educational justice
  • Narrow selection of materials to be field-tested
  • Review results of the field test with a particular focus on the experience of Students of Color furthest from educational justice
  • Submit final selection to the Instructional Materials Committee for approval and recommendation to the Superintendent and School Board
  • Recommend the professional development training for 教育工作者 and school staff to support successful implementation of the newly adopted English Language Arts 6, 7, 8 digital instructional materials to ensure high-quality instruction and learning experiences that accelerate growth for Student of Color furthest from educational justice
  • 聘用地区职员, 教育工作者, 校长, community to ensure that the review and selection process includes input and feedback from the voices of our community, especially those furthest from educational justice

Digital Materials Adoption Committee Membership and Selection

The committee will be made up of approximately 15-20 members who provide either subject matter expertise or perspectives of family members with current and/or past students in English Language Arts 6, 7, 8. 委员会将包括:

  • Middle school ELA teachers and leaders representing a cross section of middle and K-8 schools
  • ML, 加速, elementary and high school teachers with experience and/or expertise in ELA curriculum and instruction
  • 父母, 监护人, or other family members of current or former secondary students who are furthest from educational justice representing a wide range of schools and programs in SPS
  • Members of the community-at-large with relevant expertise or experience,/or representatives or higher education with expertise in English language arts or equitable English language arts instruction
  • Although students are not included in the adoption committee, there will be opportunities for student to provide input to the adoption committee about the instructional materials

Members will be selected and appointed in accordance with 十大赌博正规平台在线政策4110:家庭 & Community Advisory and Oversight Committees程序4110 sp. The district shall provide public notice to individuals and organizations that may reasonably be interested in serving on the adoption committee.

A standardized application is posted below with an application due date and appointee notification date.